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Industrialtecnica S.r.l.


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About us


The company Industrialtecnica is operating both on the national and international market since 1998.

We are operating in the field of
EC Certification and offer the machine and equipment manufacturers and assembling companies all necessary services to obtain equipment that comply with the Machinery Directive and other applicable norms, both directly and on behalf of third parties.

Our staff consists of mechanical, electric and fluidic technicians. Thank to our technical expertise we can analyse and inspect your products, as well as update and adjust it to match the requirements specified in the pertaining EC Directives.

Our range of products and services:

  • Instruction handbook, in paper or multimedia format
  • Course document, in paper or multimedia format
  • Technical construction file
  • Risk assessments
  • Translation of documents in foreign languages
  • Technical reports and inspections of machines and plants to define the activities to be performed
  • Technical/normative information phone service
  • Reliability analyses (analysis of criticalities concerning the failure mode and effect analysis, e.g. F.M.E.A., F.M.E.C.A., A.M.D.E.C.)

Our company can rely on equipment to perform soundmetric surveys on machines and plants and find the most suitable solution to make your products comply with the requirements for the emission range fixed by the laws in force.

As for the industrial plants compliance with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC), we can define and carry out the most suitable activities to make your plants comply with the limits fixed by the directive itself.

Thanks to our proven know-how, we can perform machine and industrial plant analyses and development activities supported by:

  • Mechanical design
  • Electrical design
  • Fluidic design
  • Software design.

We develop management and multimedia software programmes that can be customised according to your needs.
We can develop small specific programme or management systems that start with the production cycle and end with the working machine control.

We can deliver our services at your facility or yard both in Italy and abroad and fix the modalities according to your needs.

At our office, we are at your disposal for any technical or commercial explanations.

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